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exit; } hideAll(); qn.value=0; divElement = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV").item(0); divElement.style.left = +10; divElement.style.top = +10; resizeHandler(); } function donext() { var tmp; var last; tmp = eval(qn.value); last = tmp; tmp = tmp +1; qn.value = tmp; if (tmp != divs) { hideLast(last); divElement = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV").item(tmp); divElement.style.left = +10; divElement.style.top = +10; resizeHandler(); } else { alert ("There are no more questions."); tmp = tmp -1; qn.value = tmp; } } function doprev() { var tmp; var last; tmp = eval(qn.value); last = tmp; tmp = tmp -1; qn.value = tmp; if (tmp >= 0) { hideLast(last); divElement = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV").item(tmp); divElement.style.left = +10; divElement.style.top = +10; resizeHandler(); } else { alert ("You are at the beginning of the test."); tmp = tmp +1; qn.value = tmp; } } function hideLast(i) { divElement = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV").item(i); divElement.style.left = -2000; divElement.style.top = -2000; resizeHandler(); } function resizeHandler() { tq999.style.top=document.body.clientHeight - 60; tq999.style.left=10; } function doScroll() { tq999.style.top=document.body.scrollTop+document.body.clientHeight - 60; tq999.style.left=10; } function endTest() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to Submit your answers and Exit the test now?')) { GradeNow(); } } function doGrade() { GradeNow(); } // THIS MUST BE THE LAST FUNCTION function GradeNow() { function doP(sst) { tts=''; for (i=1; i <= sst.length; i++) { if(sst.substring(i-1,i) == ' ') { tts=tts+String.fromCharCode(i+64)+' '; } } tts=tts+'/ '; return tts; } function doConvert(strName) { tempStr=strName; newTempStr=''; for (i=1; i <= tempStr.length; i++) { if (tempStr.substring(i-1,i)==' ') { newTempStr=newTempStr+String.fromCharCode(i+64)+' '; } } if (newTempStr=='') { newTempStr='None'; } newTempStr=' Student selected: '+newTempStr;return newTempStr; } function evaluate(rExp, sAns) { var tmpRE = new RegExp(rExp,"i"); return tmpRE.test(sAns); } function ufn(smt) { cr=' '; if (smt){cr=' ';} return cr; } function round(number,X) { X = (!X ? 2 : X); return Math.round(number*Math.pow(10,X))/Math.pow(10,X); } var vScore=0; var ca=0; var finalOut = ''; var sCan='Correct answer(s): '; var ust; var mst; var tOut; var finalOut; ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION1.Q1[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 1: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION2.Q2[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 2: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION3.Q3[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 3: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION4.Q4[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 4: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION5.Q5[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 5: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION6.Q6[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 6: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION7.Q7[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 7: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION8.Q8[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 8: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION9.Q9[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 9: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION10.Q10[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 10: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION11.Q11[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 11: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION12.Q12[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 12: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION13.Q13[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 13: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION14.Q14[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 14: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION15.Q15[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 15: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION16.Q16[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 16: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION17.Q17[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 17: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION18.Q18[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 18: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION19.Q19[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 19: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION20.Q20[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 20: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION21.Q21[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 21: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION22.Q22[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 22: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION23.Q23[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 23: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION24.Q24[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 24: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION25.Q25[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 25: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION26.Q26[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 26: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION27.Q27[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 27: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION28.Q28[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 28: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION29.Q29[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 29: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION30.Q30[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 30: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION31.Q31[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 31: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION32.Q32[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 32: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION33.Q33[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 33: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION34.Q34[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 34: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION35.Q35[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 35: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;ust='';for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){if (document.QUESTION36.Q36[i].checked){ust=ust+ufn(1);}else{ust=ust+ufn(0);}}mst='     ';tOut = 'Question 36: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;Q37A=(document.QUESTION37.Q37A.checked); Q37B=(document.QUESTION37.Q37B.checked); Q37C=(document.QUESTION37.Q37C.checked); Q37D=(document.QUESTION37.Q37D.checked); Q37E=(document.QUESTION37.Q37E.checked); mst='     ';ust=ufn(eval(Q37A))+ufn(eval(Q37B))+ufn(eval(Q37C))+ufn(eval(Q37D))+ufn(eval(Q37E));tOut = 'Question 37: ' + sCan + doP(mst) + doConvert(ust) + '
';if (ust==mst){ca=ca+1;tOut = '

(CORRECT) ' + tOut;}else{tOut = '

(INCORRECT) ' + tOut;} finalOut = finalOut + tOut;document.write(''); document.write ('Test Results - GMAT math

'); document.write(''); document.write("You answered " + ca + " out of 37 questions correctly."); Score = 100*(ca/37); document.write('
'); document.write("Your Score : "+ round(Score,0) + " %"); document.write('

Student Selections
'+ finalOut + '
'); } //-->

GMAT math

X is an integer between 1 and 89. What is the value of X

1. X is both the square of an integer and the cube of an integer
2. The square root of X is divisible by 5.

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

If 12/4 = x, then 2x + 2 =

A) 6
B) 10
C) 8
D) 12
E) 4

If 7a – 9 = 6a + 4, then a =

A) 13
B) 8
C) 5
D) -8
E) 1/2

A country has a population growth rate of 10% per year. The population in 2000 was 200 M. What was the population in 2002 ?

A) 210 M
B) 220 M
C) 240 M
D) 242 M
E) 221 M

If X > Y and Z is a positive number, which of the following relationship is not true ?

A) XZ > YZ
B) Z-X > Z-Y
C) X-Z > Y-Z
D) X/Z > Y/Z
E) X+Z > Y+Z

Is x²-y² even ?

1. x+y is odd
2. x-y is odd

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
E) Each statement ALONE is sufficient

The circumference of a circle whose diameter is 7 cm is approximantely

A) 28
B) 14
C) 154
D) 38
E) 22


A) 17
B) 151
C) 3
D) 21
E) 123

Is X positive?
(1) 15X > 16X
(2) X + 15 > 0

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
E) Each statement ALONE is sufficient

How many hours are there in time period T
1. Time period is 67987908 seconds long
2. Time period extends from 5 AM to 8 Pm

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

If the average of a and b is 10 and a² - b² = 80, what is the value of b?

A) 6
B) 10
C) 8
D) 12
E) 5

A is a sequence such that each term is 2 more than the preceding term. What is the third term of A ?

1. The middle term of A is 78
2. The first term of A is 24.

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
E) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient

Which fraction lies between 2/3 and 3/4 ?

A) 17/20
B) 13/15
C) 7/10
D) 9/10
E) 5/16

It takes 6 technicians 10 hours to build and program a new server, with each working at the same rate. If six technicians start to build the server at 11:00 AM, and one technician per hour is added beginning at 5:00 PM, at what time will the server be complete?

A) 7:00 PM
B) 8:00 PM
C) 7:40 PM
D) 7:20 PM
E) 6:40 PM

How much did Tanya spend at the hardware store?
(1) Tanya bought 14 items.
(2) The cost of each of the 4 identically priced screwdrivers she bought was half the cost of the 10 identically priced drill bits she bought.

A) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not
D) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient

E) Each statement ALONE is sufficient

Is the integer q a perfect square?

1. q is even.
2.13 < q < 17

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
E) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient

x is a positive number. If x² = y, is x between 0 and 1?
(1) x² > 0
(2) y < x

A) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
B) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
C) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
D) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

If the positive integers X, Y, Z, P and Q increase in order of size, what is the value of Z ?
1. The value of Z is 7
2. The value of each successive integer is one more than the preceding integer.

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

What is the first term in sequence S

1. The second term is 43
2. The 2-nd term is 4 times the 1-st, and the 3-d term is 2 times the 2-nd

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
E) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient

If xy = z where x, y, and z are positive integers and x and y are prime numbers, what is the value of y?
(1) z is even.
(2) x is odd.

A) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
B) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
C) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
D) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

If tower X is less than 50 meters tall, is tower Y taller than tower X?

1. Tower Y is 3 times as tall as tower X.
2.Tower X is 3 meters shorter than tower Y.

A) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient

What is x +3y?
(1) x - 2y = 0
(2) 2x + y = 6

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

A fish tank is half full of water. When 10 gallons are added, the tank is 7/8 full. What is the capacity of the tank?

A) 24 1/8
B) 26 2/3
C) 30 3/8
D) 28 2/3
E) 32 1/4

For how much can I sell my car now?

(1) Its purchase price was $14,600.
(2) Its depreciation rate is 6 percent per year.

A) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient

At the Gymnastics Club annual car wash, it takes m minutes to wash c cars. At this rate, in terms of m, how many HOURS will it take the Club to wash 5c cars?

A) m/5
B) 5m
C) 3m
D) m/12
E) m/3

From a workforce of 500000 employed last year, 8% of the total employees had to be fired. How many were dismissed at that time ?

A) 200000
B) 8000
C) 40000
D) 30000
E) 100000

A cook prepares sandviches of which 24 contain meat, 32 contain fish, and 16 contain both meatand fish. If every sandvich contains meat, fish, or both, how many sandviches did the cook prepare?

A) 42
B) 40
C) 38
D) 36
E) 34

In 1991, a box seat at the theater cost $84.50 per ticket, and parking costs were $14.50 per vehicle. If, for the 1992 season, box ticket prices went up by 18 percent and parking costs went up by 10 percent, how much more did it cost one person with one vehicle to spend a night at the theater in 1992?

A) 16.66
B) 14.5
C) 16.25
D) 16.5
E) 17.5

If the ratio of 1/5 to 1/4 is equal of 1/4 to X, then, what is the value of X ?

A) 5
B) 1/5
C) 5/16
D) 5/4
E) 4/5

How many phone complaints were received by call center between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on a certain day?

1. The average number of calls received per hour on that day was 21.
2. The number of phone calls received between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on that day was 25% lower than the number of phone calls received during the next hour.

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

The average (arithmetic mean) of six numbers is 24. If the sum of four of these numbers is 96, what is the average of the other 2 numbers?

A) 24
B) 12
C) 72
D) 48
E) 96

X= 10% of 400 Y= .01 x 400

A) X=0.1Y
B) X = Y
C) X > Y
D) cannot be determined
E) X < Y

One wheel rotates once every 3 minutes and another rotates once every 7 minutes. If both wheels begin to rotate at the same time, after how many minutes will they both begin a rotation again ?

A) 14
B) 7
C) 5
D) 21
E) 12

Does 7x = 14 + 2x?

1. -3x is greater than or equal to -9
2. 2x is greater than or equal to 6

A) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient

If it takes 6 printing presses 4 hours to print 5000 newspapers, how long should it take 3 presses to print 3000 newspapers?

A) 5 hrs., 48 min.
B) 6 hrs., 50 min.
C) 3 hrs., 20 min
D) 4 hrs., 20 min.
E) 4 hrs., 48 min.

The area of triangle is 40. If its height is 2 units more than its base, what is the length of its base ?

A) 8
B) 7
C) 9
D) 12
E) 5

If x + y = 5, is y < 0?
(1) x > 5
(2) y < 5

(Choose 2)

A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient
B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient
C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER Statement ALONE is sufficient
D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient
E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are not sufficient


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